Friday 24 June 2011

well begun....... half begun. Well I've begun well many, many times over the years and am not nearly half done!!! I am a 33 yr old stay at home mum - tell a lie I work 2 days a week, term time only, but the rest of the time I'm a full time mum. I married my dh (darling husband) at 22 and had my ds (darling son) at 23 - he's now 9. My dd (darling daughter - can you see a pattern?) is 4. I long to be a well dressed, calm mum, efficiently organised with a clean show home, perfect kids and a great sex life. Well we can't always have what we want can we? The irony is at work I am very organised and calm but at home I can't seem to get it together enough to have tea on the table every night, clean clothes in the drawer (as opposed to on the table I should be putting tea on!) and all my paperwork up to date. So, what am I going to do about it? Blog of course. I am the world's best trier. I will keep trying to be the best mum, wife and person I can be until I die and make no apology for that.

Don't mis-understand me, I don't have low self-esteem about these things; I'm more than capable of laughing at myself. My sister told me yesterday that in my house it's always "Manyana, manyana" (later, later) which is why that's the title of my blog. I'll blog about how I'm trying to improve things, what keeps getting in my way and general everyday life with 2 children, a husband and home. Hopefully, by writing it down I'll see the pattern. I also hope that with your encouragement I'll realise I'm not the only one who struggles at being a housewife, or feels guilty about their parenting skills. So laugh along with me (or at me), I may cry a little bit but I consider this life a journey and i'm pleased you've chosen to share mine with me.

a manana (with the accents in the right place it should be Spanish for "Until tomorrow"

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